SPARK - The Workshop
The advanced workshop to the foundational question of “What do I really want?”
Create clarity, align your life to your core drivers, and exercise true self-determination
This interactive workshop helps you identify your core LIE and limiting beliefs, your WHY that drives and motivates you, and choose an aligned purpose & mission that turns your life into an unconditional game.
If you complete it, you will know what you really want.
Launch-Phase #1 PRICE
119 €
(19€ = tax, 100€ will be donated to Brot für die Welt (Bread for the World))
(After Launch-Phase #1 the next spots will be available for 238€ (38€ = tax, 200€ donated)
Guided Done-With-You Version (2 per month available) with three 45min 1:1 sessions
1190 €
(190€ = tax, 1.000€ will be donated to Brot für die Welt (Bread for the World)) or any charitable organization of your choice.
Available Spots: Launch-Phase #1
Book your spot at the current price point
Want to use a different payment method (i.e. PayPal) or get your questions answered?
Text me via social media or send an email to eplyr[at]